The Resurrection Of Jesus
And His Followers
(Part One)
Part one of Father Matera's four-part series from Lent 2014, based on the book he's writing (which is due out in 2015). This presentation looks at the Resurrection according to Mark and Matthew.
The Resurrection Of Jesus
And His Followers
Rev. Frank J. Matera
Part One
The Resurrection According To Mark and Matthew
Preliminary Remarks
The centrality of the resurrection: for faith and for life
The scope of these talks: Christ's resurrection and our resurrection
The goal of these talks: historical and theological aspects of the resurrection
The Resurrection According To Mark
The context of the resurrection narrative in the Gospel of Mark
Jesus raised the dead (5:21-43)
Jesus hoped for the resurrection (8:31, 9:31, 10:33)
Jesus defended the resurrection (12:18-27)
Jesus died as the abandoned Son of God
Jesus was buried (15:42-47)
Three endings of Mark's Gospel
The earliest ending (Mark 16: 1-8)
The shorter ending (no verse numbering)
The longer ending (16: 9-20)
The earliest ending
The intention of the women to anoint Jesus
The problem of the stone
Their encounter with the young man/angel and his message
The women's response to the message
The shorter ending (no verse numbering)
The women report to Peter and his companions
Jesus sends them forth
The longer ending (16: 9-20)
An appearance to Mary Magdalene (16:9-11)
An appearance to two disciples (16:12-13)
The commissioning of the disciples (16:14-20)
The theme of unbelief, see verses 11,13,14
The meaning of Jesus' resurrection according to Mark
The empty tomb points to an act of God
The empty tomb is an invitation to faith, not a substitute for faith
The risen one is the crucified one
The resurrection is God's response to the death of his Son
The Resurrection According to Matthew
Preliminary Remarks
Matthew makes use of Mark
Matthew provides a satisfying ending to the Gospel of Mark
Matthew has access to new traditions
Matthews apologetic purpose: the body was not stolen
The context of Matthew's Resurrection Narrative
The events that occurred after Jesus' death (Matt 27:51-54)
The earthquake at Jesus' death (27:51)
The tombs of the saints are opened (27:52)
The dead come forth after Jesus' resurrection (27:53)
Centurion and the men with him confess Jesus as the Son of God (27:54)
The women witnesses (27:55-56)
The burial of Jesus
The Matthean Resurrection Narrative
The guards at the tomb (Matt 27:62-66)
Chief priests and Pharisees approach Pilate
Pilate grants permission to guard the tomb
The woman at the tomb (Matt 28: 1-10)
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary go to the tomb
An earthquake caused by an angel who removes the stone
The guards likened to dead men
The message of the angel
Fearful but overjoyed, the women tell the disciples
The risen Lord appears to the women and repeats the the angel's message
The guards at the tomb (Matt 28:11-15)
The guards report to the chief priests
The chief priests bribe the guards
The origin of the report that the body was stolen originated
The risen Lord commissions his disciples (Matt 28:16-20)
The 11 disciples go to Galilee
They worshiped the risen one, but some doubt
Jesus has received all authority commissions the disciples
The risen one promises to be with them to the close of the ages
The Meaning of Matthew's Resurrection Narrative
The resurrection is an apocalyptic event
It marks the turn of the ages and the beginning of the resurrection of the dead
The empty tomb is a sign that can be interpreted differently; either Jesus has been raised or the body was stolen
Doubt remains a persistent problem
Further Conclusions
Despite differences in details, Matthew and Mark agree that the tomb was empty because God raised Jesus from the dead
The resurrection requires faith, but lack of faith remains a persistent problem
Jesus was not simply restored to his former way of life
The resurrection is a transcendent event
There is never an attempt to describe the act of the resurrection or the resurrection body of Jesus
God vindicates Jesus and his message at the resurrection; Jesus is endowed with all authority
God vindicates Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God because Jesus is the first to enter into the kingdom -- the sphere of God's own life
The resurrection establishes the church and begins the mission of the church
The resurrection is the beginning of a mission to all the nations of the world