School Address: 946 Hopmeadow St, Simsbury, CT, 06070
The Parish Center is attached to St. Mary's school directly across the parking lot from the church.
We are so excited that our parish is involved in a national grant-funded project through the NCCL (National Community of Catechetical Leaders) called Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation. Over 220 parishes across the entire country were invited into this project, and our parish is one of them! The overall goal of this project is for parishes to better support families and in order to do that, we want your feedback! Your thoughts and ideas are important to us. In addition to the Parent Survey that you may have filled out, we will also be hosting a Parent Café as an opportunity to hear more from you as parents. We would love for you to join us even if you didn’t have a chance to fill out the survey!
There will be 4 opportunities for you to join us for our Parent Café. The discussions will be held in the Parish Center. For your convenience we have made the times available during regular Faith Formation sessions. Feel free to come to the time slot that is most convenient to you and your family.
Parent Café Opportunities:
Sunday, 12/8; @8:15 AM & @10:45 AM
Sunday, 12/15; @6:00 PM
Sunday, 1/5; @6:00 PM
Please RSVP to Maura Fleming ([email protected]) so we have an idea of how many to expect. To sign up…simply put Parent Café in the subject and in the body of the email how many adults are attending along with your child(ren)’s age. Thank you!