Make-Up Work
In an effort to keep everyone caught up with the curriculum, parents have been provided make-up work for each class. This work can be found in the parent folders that were handed out at the beginning of the year. Our guideline is that students should miss no more than 2 in-person classes but that all classes are made up and handed in. The make-up work can also be found below:
Season 1: Episode 1 (You Are Redeemed)
Season 1: Episode 2 (Shabbat)
Season 1: Episode 3 (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
Season 1: Episode 4 (The Rock on Which it is Built)
Season 1: Episode 5 (The Wedding Gift)
Season 1: Episode 6 (Indescribably Compassion)
Season 1: Episode 7 (Invitations)
Season 1: Episode 8 (I Am He)
Season 2: Episode 1 (Thunder)
Season 2: Episode 2 (I Saw You)
Season 2: Episode 3 (Matthew 4:24)
Season 2: Episode 4 (The Perfect Opportunity)
Season 2: Episode 5 (Spirit)
Season 2: Episode 6 (Unlawful)
Season 2: Episode 7 (Reckoning)
Season 2: Episode 8 (Beyond Mountains)
Use the link below to register for the upcoming year.
Faith Formation classes for Junior High School will be meeting in-person on selected Sunday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. All classes will meet at St. Mary's School.
"The Chosen"
Students will be studying the lessons presented in the television series "The Chosen". It is a TV show about Jesus. The episodes are completely free to watch on the app and it connects directly to streaming devices with no fee or subscription. We hope our students get a lot out of this series and hopefully it will prompt some interesting discussions.
There are four options available to watch this free series.
(1) You can download The Chosen App from your Apple or Android app store. If you so choose you can cast the episodes from the app to your TV with Chromecast, AppleTV, Fire Stick, Roku, AndroidTV or Samsung Smart TV(Android only);
(2) You can watch episodes online at The Chosen.
(3) Netflix (season 1 only)
(4) Amazon Prime (seasons 1 & 2)
Welcome to St. Mary’s Faith Formation Program. One of the requirements for our students is to engage in both Faith and Service events during the Middle and High School years. The service and faith log form should be maintained throughout the year and handed in to the coordinator of your program. Below are guidelines by grade as well as descriptions of Faith and Service events.
Along with weekly Mass attendance, our church has a rich tradition of prayer and study. There are many offerings at St. Mary's and we encourage you to experience a variety of all that we offer. It is important that even after you are Confirmed you continue to grow in your faith. By participating in these events now, you will know what is available to continue to deepen your faith lives.
Throughout your time in our youth program, you will share your time with our parish, the Catholic Church, and the community itself. This service reminds us that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. When you serve, you are taking part in a lifelong, Catholic tradition of sharing your time and talents with others. As Jesus said, “For the Son of Man also came not to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45).
Guidelines By Grade
Students are asked to participate in events that strengthen their faith and events that serve others. The minimum guidelines by grade are outlined below.
7th Grade: Faith Event (2 hrs) + Service Event (3 hrs) = 5 hours
8th Grade: Faith Event (2 hrs) + Service Event (3 hrs) = 5 hours
9th Grade: Faith Event (5 hrs) + Service Event (5 hrs) = 10 hours
10th Grade: Faith Event (5 hrs) + Service Event (5 hrs) = 10 hours
Students are required to keep track of their own faith and service hours. You should maintain a log form throughout the year and hand it in on the last day of class. For each event, you must obtain a signature from an adult verifying that you participated in the event.
The events listed below are offered by the parish to enhance and strengthen our faith. Check the bulletin during the year for specific dates and time. You are encouraged to bring a friend and/or family to participate.
Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Rosary on Saturday mornings
Lenten Taizé prayer service
Lenten Series
Advent Taize prayer service
Holy Day of Obligation Mass
Stations of the Cross during the season of Lent
Mass during the Holy Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and/or Holy Saturday
Steubenville East Youth Conference
Men’s Ministry on Saturday morning
The events listed below are events in our parish that may need volunteers. Check the bulletin for events during the year and contact the chair to see how you can help. Please note that you are strongly encouraged to diversify and serve in multiple areas.
Some examples include:
Women's Ministry event
Knights of Columbus breakfast
Sunday Morning Coffee
Parish Tag Sale “Granny's Attic”
St. Mary’s Carnival
Vacation Bible School
Altar Serve during the year
Help decorate for Christmas or Easter
Weed the gardens around the church
Music Ministry
Volunteer to make sandwiches for shelter
Make a dessert for Mercy Shelter (check bulletin for details)
Social Outreach Committee – help with monthly collection (see bulletin)
Christmas Giving Tree
Service in the Community
Any “free” service you do as an individual or as a group to help out the community in which we live. Some examples include:
Raking leaves
Handing out flyers
Clothing or food drives
Service projects
Helping with youth sports or youth groups
A parent or guardian must be present if a teen is volunteering with an outside organization. Below are organizations in the area:
Catholic Worker House, Hartford; [website] 860.724.7066
FoodShare, Bloomfield; (strict age requirement of 12 years old); Group Volunteering 860.286.9999; Individual Volunteering
Gifts of Love, Avon; Group or individual (7th grade and up); [website] 860.676.2323
Governor's House Nursing & Rehibilitation Center, Simsbury; Group or individual (9th grade and up); 860.658.1018
House of Bread, Hartford; [website] 860.549.4188 Sisters of Saint Joseph
McLean Village, Simsbury; (9th grade and up); [website] 860.658.3725 or 860.658.3700
Mercy Shelter, Hartford; (monthly) Bake a dessert and/or buy fruit for the dinner. Drop-off in Magowan Center (check bulletin for dates);
Simsbury Food Closet, Simsbury; [website] 860.658.3200
Special Olympics (Winter Games)
Turkey Trot
Knights of Columbus Events (ice cream social, tootsie drive); contact Rich Farrell ([email protected])
St Mary's Youth Ministry offers an opportunity for our youth to make new friends and share their faith with their peers. All middle school and high school students are welcome to join us throughout the year. We have programs for both middle and high schoolers and they meet on different evenings.
For more information about our Youth Ministry program, click HERE.