Advent: Part Four Waiting in Silence
For the past two weeks, John the Baptist has been the central figure in our Advent Liturgy, calling us to repent and change our lives so that we can receive the Lord. But today it is Mary who takes center stage, teaching us how to wait in silence.
Last week I noted that the world views “waiting” as a waste of time, a sign of inefficiency. For the world, there is no purpose in waiting. Christian “waiting,” however, is different from the waiting of the world. It is filled with joy, hope, and anticipation of what God is about to do. And so, like Mary, Christians wait patiently; they wait in silence.
Mary is model of Christian waiting. She knows that she is about to give birth to the Messiah, the Savior of the world. She knows that her child will be called the Son of God. She knows that her child is destined for the rise and fall of many. And so Mary waits in silence, confident that God will bring about this salvation at the right time, in the right place, in God’s own way.
Mary waits in silence. Like every expectant mother, she waits in silence for the child that is being formed in her womb. Like every expectant mother, she waits in silence for the miracle of new life. Like every expectant mother, she waits in silence for the birth of her child.
Mary cannot shorten the time of this waiting. She cannot shorten the time of her pregnancy. Like every expectant mother, she must wait for the birth of her child. Like every expectant mother, she must wait in silence and hope.
Waiting is not a waste of time. Waiting is not a sign of inefficiency. Waiting is the most important thing we can do, if we are waiting for what is truly important, if we are waiting for the appearance of Christ in our lives. Such waiting is done is silence, in quiet and peaceful reflection. Such waiting is done in silence, in prayer and thanksgiving. Such waiting is done in silence so that we can hear the stirring of God is our lives.
We, however, live in a world of constant noise: the noise of cell phones and television, the noise of radios and boom boxes. Such noise distracts and deafens us to the stirring of God in our lives. Such noise makes it impossible for us to hear the voice of God in our lives. Such noise makes it impossible for us to wait in silence.
Mary teaches us how to wait in silence. Mary teaches us how to hear and listen to the Word of God. Mary teaches us the value of quiet and patient waiting. Mary teaches us how to wait for the coming of her Son.
In a few days, Christ will come again in the mystery of Christmas. In a few days, Christ will enter our lives in a way that will change and transform them. But we must wait. We must wait in silence. For it is only in the silence of our hearts that we can hear the Word of God that became flesh in Jesus Christ. Father Matera