After discussion with our Liturgy Committee and staff, we would like to start a new tradition for our children at Mass here at St. Mary’s. Beginning at the Parish Thanksgiving Mass this coming Tuesday evening, and continuing every Sunday at every Mass, we will provide an opportunity for the children of our parish to make an offering of a non-perishable food item which will go to one of the local food pantries we regularly support (Simsbury Food Closet and Hartford Food Pantries). A basket will be placed in front of the altar at each Sunday Mass, and children who would like to participate may bring up their food item to place in the basket on the altar as the ushers are taking up the collection from the congregation. Children learn things best by doing and practicing. This is one way we can help our children learn about the importance of giving to their parish and their community. It also gives them the opportunity to participate actively in another way during the Sunday Mass. Perhaps as you do your weekly shopping, if you bring your children with you, you might ask them to pick out something they think children would enjoy. It could be a favorite cereal, pasta or pasta sauce, mac & cheese, canned fruit or vegetable, or a favorite snack. Help explain to them that there are children whose families are unable to shop for what they want or need, perhaps because they have become unemployed, have had medical emergencies, or don’t have adequate income to cover all of their expenses. Your children’s generosity can help other children have more nourishing and enjoyable meals not just during the holiday season bur throughout the year. Thank you!