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The Resurrection of Jesus And His Followers - Part Two (VIDEO Available)
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The Resurrection of Jesus And His Followers
Part Two
In Part One of his series for Lent 2014, Father Matera explored the Resurrection according to the Gospels of Mark and Matthew.
In this presentation, which is Part Two of his series, Father Matera explores the Resurrection according to the Gospels of Luke and John.
Part Two
The Resurrection of Jesus according to Luke and John
Preliminary Remarks
Luke builds upon Mark’s Narrative; John represents an independent tradition
Both report the story of the empty tomb but have new appearance stories
Both report resurrection appearances in and around Jerusalem
Mary Magdalene plays a prominent role in both accounts
The Resurrection according to Luke
The empty tomb (24:1-12)
The women who accompanied Jesus from Galilee go to the tomb (see 8:3)
The stone is rolled back, the women are puzzled, two men appear
The message of the men/angels
The women are told to remember what Jesus said when he was in Galilee
The women are identified: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, other women
The women tell the apostles, but the apostles do not believe
Peter comes to the tomb and returns amazed
The empty tomb does not lead to faith
The appearance to two disciples (24:13-35)
Two disciples on the way to Emmaus
Jesus walks with them, but they are prevented from seeing him
The men recount the story of Jesus and the story of the women
The prophets foretold the Messiah must suffer before entering his glory
Jesus is recognized in the breaking of the bread
The two disciples return to Jerusalem and learn Jesus has appeared to Simon
The two explain how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of the bread
The appearance to the disciples in Jerusalem (24:36-43)
Jesus appears to the disciples
The disciples think he is a ghost
Jesus must assure them who he is; he invites them to touch him
He shows them his hands and feet and eats a baked fish
The commissioning of the disciples (24:44-49)
Jesus explains everything written in the law and the prophets had to be fulfilled.
He opens their eyes to understand the scriptures
He commissions them to preach, makes them witnesses, and promises the Spirit
The Ascension (24:50-53)
Lukan themes
The resurrection is revealed in the Scriptures, but one’s eyes must be opened
The risen Lord appears in bodily form, but he is not immediately recognizable
Disciples are witnesses to the resurrection who must preach the forgiveness of sins
The Resurrection according to John
The empty tomb (20:1-10)
Mary of Magdala comes to the tomb alone and discovers the stone removed
She tells Simon Peter and the other disciple—the beloved disciple
She thinks the body has been stolen
Peter and the other disciple run to the tomb
The other disciple arrives first, but Peter enters first and sees the burial cloths
The other disciple enters and believes
The appearance to Mary of Magdala (20:11-18)
Mary remains outside the tomb weeping
As she stoops to look into the tomb, she sees two angels
The angels question Mary and Mary responds
Jesus appears, but Mary does not recognize him
Mary’s dialogue with Jesus
The moment of recognition; the Good Shepherd calls Mary by name
Mary must not cling to the risen one
Mary announces the resurrection to all the disciples
The appearance to the disciples in Jerusalem (20:19-23)
The fearful disciples in the room on the evening of the resurrection
Jesus appears and greets them and shows them his hands and side
Jesus breathes the Spirit upon them
The appearance to the disciples and Thomas (20:24-31)
Thomas was not with them and refuses to believe their report
Jesus appears a week later
Jesus invites Thomas to touch the wounds of his crucified and risen body
Thomas makes his confession
Jesus pronounces a beatitude upon those who do not see but believe
A first conclusion to the Gospel
The appearance to seven disciples in Galilee (21:1-25)
Jesus appears a third time, this time at the Sea of Tiberias (21:1-14)
Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, James and John, and two unnamed disciples, one of whom is the beloved disciple
Peter goes fishing
Jesus appears on the shore, but they do not recognize him
The beloved disciple recognizes him and tells Peter who jumps into the water
The disciples bring a large catch of 153 fish
Jesus eats with the disciples who do not dare to ask who he is
Jesus reconciles Peter to himself (21:15-19)
The fate of the beloved disciple is discussed (21:20-23)
A second conclusion to the Gospel (21:24-25)
John and Luke have traditions about the appearances of the risen Lord in Jerusalem
Luke does not recount any appearances in Galilee; John recounts one
Both evangelists stress the bodily nature of the resurrection
Both evangelists report that people did not immediately recognize the risen one; there is something different about him
Both evangelists point to the importance of scripture for interpreting and clarifying the resurrection
The resurrection leads to mission
The resurrection gathers the disciples and establishes the church
The resurrection leads to the outpouring of the Spirit
The empty tomb is an ambiguous sign apart from faith