What Do I Need To Know About Weddings and Baptisms?
by Fr. Matera
What Do I Need to Know About Weddings & Baptisms?
Few occasions are more joyful than the occasion of a wedding or Baptism. The Sacrament of Matrimony celebrates the love between a man and woman that is intended to mirror and proclaim the love between Christ and his spouse, the Church. Baptism is the primordial sacrament whereby a person is reborn to new life by entering into the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. Both of these sacraments, then, are moments of intense joy for the Church. But what do you need to know about preparing for a wedding or baptism?
Arranging a marriage today can be more complicated than in the past since many young people no longer live close to home. Many couples are getting married later in life, and when they do they often live far from the parish where they grew up and would now like to be married. Those who are preparing to enter into a sacramental marriage, therefore, should contact their local parish as early as possible. While it is important to secure a venue for the reception, securing a venue for the reception does
not guarantee that the local parish will be able to accommodate you.
If you are living in the parish where you want to be married, go to your priest and speak to him about your upcoming marriage. You will need
a new copy of your baptism certificate,
your communion certificate,
your confirmation certificate.
After an initial interview, there will be certain forms that need to be completed, as well as a brief course of marriage instruction. If there are special circumstances such as a prior marriage or if one party is not a Catholic, let the priest know this as soon as possible. The preparation for marriage is not long or arduous, but there are things that need to be done. So contact the priest early so that you can work out a date.
If you were once a member of St. Mary’s but now live somewhere else, you will need to complete the paper work and marriage instruction in your new parish. That material will then be sent to St. Mary’s. Because this requires communication between the two parishes, it is important to make arrangements as early as possible. Do not make arrangements for your reception and then look for a parish where you will be married. Make arrangements with the local church before making arrangements for your reception. As for
destination marriages, remember they may be exciting and exotic for you, but they are a burden and expense for your guests. Moreover, in most instances you will not be married before a priest.
Baptisms are less complicated than marriages, but there are some things of which you should be aware. First, you need to contact the parish in advance of the baptism. At St. Mary’ baptisms are celebrated during the 11:00 AM Mass on the first Sunday of the month, and after the 11:00 AM Mass on the Third Sunday of the month. Parents who have not previously undergone baptismal instruction must sign up for baptismal instruction. When choosing a godmother and godfather, keep the following in mind.
Godparents must to be Catholics who practice their faith so that they can witness their faith to their godchildren.
Since godparents must obtain a certificate from their pastor that they are indeed practicing Catholics, it makes little sense to choose someone who is not a practicing Catholic. Accordingly, choose carefully. Who will best witness their faith to your child in the years ahead?