Fr. Dennis Vincenzo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford for more than 30 years. He grew up in the South End of Hartford, attending St. Augustine Parish and School, and St. Thomas Seminary High School. Father Dennis received his bachelor’s degree from Trinity College in Hartford where he met and became good friends with Fr. Stephen, and continued on to St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore for his theological studies. He was ordained a priest by Archbishop Whalen at the Cathedral on January 12, 1991 and has served the parishes of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Waterbury, the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, St. Bartholomew and St. Bridget parishes in Manchester, Sacred Heart in Suffield, St. Mary Parish in Newington, St. John of the Cross in Middlebury, St. Michael in New Haven and St. George in Guilford. Father was granted a medical retirement this past year and has been encouraged by the Archbishop to help here at St. Mary’s on weekends as needed. Thank you for offering him a warm welcome as he joins Fr. Matera and Fr. Vujs in ministering to us on weekends.