“Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find an ass tethered, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them here to me.”
Matthew 21:2
An idea came to us from St. Aloysius Parish in Plantsville. Our teens from the current Confirmation class took over recently with a group service project and designed and made bracelets for Mission Haiti in five colors in the name of five different orphans. Our teens would like to ask for your continued support of Mission Haiti . We will be selling bracelets and packages with biographies of the orphan from Haiti whose favorite color bracelet is in your package. They will be sold for $7.00 each with all proceeds going to Mission Haiti . We will be selling bracelets after all Masses on the weekend of June 11th &12th. Thanks for your continued support.
Parish Council thanks everyone who provided input at the Special Meeting on May 31. We were able to use your input for finalizing the recommendations report that's been prepared for when the time comes that St. Mary's no longer has multiple priests, whether it's next month or 3 years from now. Click to read more.
Our Parish’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our Parish and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives, such as loss of a loved one, long term illness, hospitalization. We would love to talk to you about being (confidentially) assigned. Click for more information.