Give Us This Day is a monthly publication from Liturgical Press created to help sustain your personal prayer practices with daily prayer for Morning and Evening, prayers and readings for Mass each day, along with a reflection on the Scriptures, and a daily profile of a saintly witness. We have been able to obtain 400 complimentary copies of this publication that we are distributing this week, one per family. I urge you to examine Give Us This Day and determine
if it might be helpful to your prayer life. For every subscription established by a parishioner, our parish earns $5.00 in credit toward purchases from Liturgical Press. To earn that credit for St. Mary's Church, please use the promotion code TDBR5117 when you subscribe online at or call toll-free 888-259-8470.
For the past few weeks, I have been focusing on the first half of the theme that I have chosen for my ministry among you this year, “Faith and Evangelization.” In today’s column I turn to the second half of that theme, evangelization, by which I mean the process of proclaiming the gospel to others. Click the title to read more.
On Sunday 9/23, Father Matera gave a homily entitled "Who is the Greatest?" He ended his homily by giving us all a task to help us understand what it means to be a disciple. Father Matera is very much interested in your reflections on that task. Click the title to read more.
St. Mary’s E-Giving is a convenient way to assure that you make your monthly/weekly offering to our parish. Please consider employing E-Giving to make your weekly/monthly offertory to the parish. Click the title to get more information.
For the past several weeks, I have been writing about the central theme of my ministry at St. Mary’s this year: “faith and evangelization.” Thus far, I have discussed the act of faith, which I have described in terms of the trust and confidence we have in God. Viewed from this point of view, faith is an act of profound trust and confidence in the God who raises the dead. Like Abraham we trust that God will fulfill his promises. We trust that God is reliable and trustworthy, and so we believe in the God who raises the dead. In this week’s column, I will consider the content of faith. What do we believe as Christians? What distinguishes us from those who do not believe? Click the title to read more.
In last week’s column I explained there are two ways of thinking about faith: (1) faith as the content of what we believe and (2) faith as the act whereby we entrust ourselves to God. In this column, I will focus on the act of faith as illustrated in the example of Abraham who believed in God even when it appeared there was no reason to believe. Click the title to read more.
Do you enjoy singing? Have you ever thought about singing in the St. Mary’s Adult Choir? This is a great time to join. Come and join the choir and help praise the Lord through song! Contact Gena Sullivan through the Church Office (860-658-7627) with any questions. Click the title for more information.