In last week’s column, I presented a vision statement for St. Mary’s Parish. In this week’s column, I am drawing out the implications of that vision statement in more detail. In this statement, our Sunday worship stands at the center of all that we do; and all that we do flows from our life as a worshipping community. Click the title to read more.
In May 2013, St. Mary's honored Peg Donohue for her decades of service to the parish, including the last 30 years as a parish trustee. Click for more information.
St. Mary's would like to sponsor a pot for BOTS Pots. Large pots of organic vegetables are placed around downtown Hartford where those who need food can supplement their meals with fresh produce. Any amount you can donate toward this great cause would be much appreciated. Click the title to read more information on how you can help!
This weekend, we celebrate one of the most beloved days of the year, “Mother’s Day.” Although this is not a religious holiday, it is a day with deep religious significance inasmuch as it celebrates God’s gift of motherhood. Click the title to read more.
A fourth reason why the resurrection was so important to the early church can be stated in this way: In light of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, the first Christians began to understand that the resurrection of the dead, which had begun in the Messiah, was the fulfillment of Israel’s hope. Click the title to read more.