On January 5th Father Santiago started at his new parish - St. Anthony's in Bristol. We wish Father Santiago well and we thank him for his wonderful ministry here at St. Mary's. You will be missed!
A Stephen Minister will provide confidential support for you on your life's journey. Stephen Ministers are trained to listen and pray with you when you need support through a difficult time. Please call the Stephen Ministry Leader at 860-658-7627, ext. 114. or email [email protected].
Thank you to all who have been praying for our 2nd graders as they prepare to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Cards are due by December 8th. Send your card addressed to the child c/o: St. Mary Church, PO Box 575, Simsbury, CT 06070.
St. Mary's is in need of a committee to help review technology in the Parish. If you have expertise in IT and/or AV and would be willing to assist us, please contact Bill Heiden at the Parish Office.
Our prayer shawls are hand knit or crocheted by the St. Mary's Prayer Shawl Ministry and are packaged and available in the Parish Office for parishioners to give to others for comfort, illness or happy occasions. For more information call Rhoda at (860)651-4027.
St. Mary’s Parish is seeking a full time Youth Minister and Coordinator of Religious Education. To read a full job description, please click the title to read more.