The religious leaders (in the time of Jesus) did not realize the depth of their blindness. The reality is that they suffered from blindness far more serious than the physical loss of sight. Click to read more.
What could Billy Bob Thornton's character in the movie "Friday Night Lights" possibly have in common with the desire that our own kids have to be 'perfect'? Click to watch this presentation.
Part two of Father Matera's four-part series from Lent 2014, based on the book he's writing (which is due out in 2015). This presentation looks at the Resurrection according to Luke and John.
Have you ever noticed how restless we are? We seek peace in all kinds of things, but we are never satisfied. There is only One who can satisfy the deepest longing of our heart. We cannot, and we will not be satisfied until we rest in God. Click to read more.
What is unique about the sacrament of matrimony? It is, after all, a 'calling' in its own right. What does it mean in our day-to-day lives? Fay and Rick Lenz host this presentation on Marriage and Family. Click for more!
Part one of Father Matera's series from Lent 2014, based on the book he's writing (which is due out in 2015). This presentation looks at the Resurrection according to Mark and Matthew.
Lent is a time to overcome temptations that lead us into sin by disobeying God’s will -- the temptations that assail us every day. All of these temptations have one thing is common with what we heard at Mass this past Sunday. Click for more.
Spiritual Direction, also known as Spiritual Mentoring or Spiritual Companionship, is a process of deepening a person’s spirituality. Mary Blume talks about Spiritual Direction and what a difference it can make in your life. Click to read more.
The purpose of Lent is to prepare us to celebrate the central mystery of our faith, the Paschal Mystery, the mystery of Christ’s saving death and life-giving resurrection. How will you prepare? Click for more.