During the Masses on October 17th and 18th, Rebecca Rushin and Jamie Kalamarides provide an update on the St. Mary's Campus Connection. Click the title to read more about where we are in the process and what the next steps are.
One of the most important elements within the Liturgy is "silence." At certain moments we need to be silent so we can "hear" the Word of God and pray to the risen Lord we receive in the Eucharist. In the weeks ahead, you will notice that we are leaving time after each reading for "silence" so that we can mediate on God's Word. We will do the same after communion so that we can pray to the Lord we have just received.
Our 2nd Graders are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Once again we are asking parishioners to pray for our second graders as they go through their preparation for the sacrament. There are envelopes at each exit of the Church with the name of a 2nd grader and instructions inside the envelope. As it nears the date of their Frist Reconciliation please send them a card or note letting them know you have been praying for them. This is a wonderful opportunity to show these children that we as a parish support them as they prepare for the Sacrament. Any questions please call Judy Eagen (860) 658-5919.
On Wednesday, October 21st we will be feeding approximately 16 women at Catherine’s Place (St. Patrick and St. Anthony's Church) in Hartford. This is a transitional home for homeless women in recovery. We are in need of main dishes, salads, bread and desserts and a few volunteers. Please contact Lorraine Rippel at (860) 658-6438 or [email protected]. Thank you!
One of the signs of vitality in a parish is the involvement of its youth, especially its teens. At St. Mary’s we are fortunate that many young people now serve as lectors on Sunday. In the past Ryan Carr, David Kalamaridies, Sean Oleasz, Claire and Kathleen Keating served as lectors as teens. We now have a new group of teens doing the same: Sean Russell, Gabriela Doskos, Matt Sottile, Christian Heiden, Timothy Nolan, Kate and Sara Jessen. We are more grateful to them and hope others will follow in their footsteps.