Teens in IGNITE Youth Ministry will be joined by candidates in Confirmation Prep for the K-Love (106.9 FM) Concert on April 2! For more information, click the title.
Thank-you to Megan Russell and Emma Costello for organizing the blood drive here at St. Mary's on March 18th. The Red Cross reported that 33 pints of blood were collected. Thank-you to everyone who supported this cause.
IGNITE will travel to the XL Center for the K-Love (106.9 FM) concert on Sunday, April 2 and to the Cathedral of Saint Joseph for a youth rally on Sunday, April 30. Confirmation Prep will join us! For more information, click the title.
The 2017 AAA appeal kicked off on Sunday, March 5th. If you haven't already, you will receive a letter from Archbishop Blair seeking your support. Together we can change the lives of thousands of God's people. The "Good Works" performed by our Church in the areas of social services, healthcare, pastoral services are critical for so many in need. Thank-you in advance for your support.
Lent is a liturgical season that challenges us because it reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice that Christ made. If you need ideas of ways to grow during this Season of Lent, check out Life Teen's list of 25 creative ideas. For more information, click the title.