Father Jeff Gubbiotti, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Hartford, has asked IGNITE to serve as his core team for the Alive in Christ Youth Rally at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph. Confirmation Prep is joining IGNITE Youth Ministry for this event on Sunday, April 30. For more information, click the title.
Are your Spotify playlists bringing you closer to Christ? Songs can guide us in prayer especially in tough times. As we commemorate Christ's Passion and death during the Sacred Triduum, take a moment to listen to these songs in prayer! For more information, click the title.
On April 30, IGNITE Youth Ministry is taking a road trip to the Cathedral of Saint Joseph for the first youth rally in the Archdiocese of Hartford. There will be speakers, music, food, Mass with Archbishop Blair, and Adoration with Father Jeff Gubbiotti. For more information, click the title.