The implementation of the Pastoral Plan in the Archdiocese was not meant to be an end but rather a beginning, and Archbishop Blair is outlining the next step for our local church.
IGNITE hosts Vacation Bible School for the children of our parish each year. It's a great leadership opportunity and it's a fun experience! Last year over 50 teens assisted in the production of this program. Join our team today! For more information, click the title.
This summer we're taking a trip to Rome with Saint Paul! Your children love the live music, outdoor games, crafts, snacks, and stories of Paul's adventures. For more information, click the title.
Mother's Day weekend is a great time to express our love and devotion to our mothers, living and deceased. What an exalted vocation motherhood is and how important it is for the life of society and the church. There is no more important work than being a mother to a child, nurturing and caring for another human being. Congratulations and blessings to the mothers of our parish! Without you we would not be a parish
What an exciting time we had at Granny’s Attic this year! Thanks to all the parishioners and members of the community who donated to Granny’s Attic. We not only reached our goal we surpassed it! The donations received brought in $23,115. This year we received many valuable treasures that were placed in a special area. A huge THANK YOU to RICK and CAROLE WAGNER for the use of Wagner Show Room. It was so nice to have a secure, dry location. Special thanks goes to all the dedicated volunteers who worked this year and return year after year for this special fundraiser. The Boy Scouts and their parents were helpful in setting up tables, receiving the donations, assisting customers and in the clean up process following the sale. Without all the donations and hours given as volunteers to Granny’s Attic we would not have been so successful. Thanks again for all your support!
The teens in our IGNITE Youth Ministry are grateful for the support for their bake sales during April! The proceeds will be used by the more than 65 teens from our parish who will be attending the Steubenville East Catholic Youth Conference at UMass-Lowell in July. Thank you for your generosity!