Throughout the summer months, teens in IGNITE served at the shelter. They gathered in the Parish Center kitchen to cook for 75 men who live at Immaculate Conception Shelter (ImmaCare). After preparing the meal, they prayed for those who would receive it. Our team of teens and adults transported and served the meal that evening. The Calcutta Project is an outreach effort of IGNITE Youth Ministry. It was named for Mother Teresa of Calcutta who inspires us to serve. We will be on mission at the shelter again throughout the year. For details, click the title.
On Sundays when Religious Education is in session, Parking Ambassadors (wearing yellow vests) will be available to direct traffic in North Parking Lot. Parents of Grades 1-3 are asked to park and walk your child to St. Francis Garden Door. Parents of Grades 4-6 will be directed to drop-off at North School Entrance then circle back out exiting onto Hopmeadow Street at the light. To ease backups, we encourage right hand turns exiting onto Hopmeadow Street. Click the title for more information.
Volunteers needed to share the Rosary the third Thursday of each month, 11:00 AM at McLean Health Center. Please contact Justine Coleman 860-658-0044 or Kathy Cookson 860-658-3700.
A number of families have responded positively to the request to accelerate pledge payments to Campus Connection and we greatly appreciated this. If you are able to help by making pledge payments ahead of schedule, we strongly encourage you to do so since it reduces project financing costs. For example, if all pledges were to be paid in full by the end of 2018, we would save more than $60,000 in interest expense!