In support of our Alpha program, we are asking the parish to help make desserts. We are requesting 5 people each week to make 2 dozen bite size desserts. Please deliver them to the Magowan Center before 12:00 PM on the selected Monday. Click the title to view the sign-up link.
Thank you to all participants who signed up for our first session of Alpha! Although the winter session starting Jan. 13 is now full, St. Mary’s is now happy to accept names of guests for the waiting list for next Alpha, this Fall 2025. Please click on the title for more information.
Thank-you to everyone who submitted nominations for the Parish Concil elections. We are excited to announce that Suzanne Croke and Michael Duff were elected to the Parish Council. We thank everyone for their participation in this process.
Empathy is something we all need. This workshop will provide practical insights and real-life examples to help us make a difference in the lives of all who we encounter. Registration is required. Click the title to register online.
Sunday, 4/21; 6-8 PM at St. Catherines All senior high teens are invited to help us celebrate and honor our graduating seniors at this special dinner. Families We encourage ALL of youth ministry to attend! You may not know our seniors, but they have been an integral party of youth ministry, our friends and our leaders, so we hope you will celebrate with us! It is also a great time to meet new people! Click the title to register.
Sunday, May 5th; 5:00-8:15 PM. Bring your phones and your friends! Do you (and your team) have what it takes to solve the clues and reach the finish line first? We will meet at St. Mary’s Parish Center for pizza at 5:00 and then we will head out on this NEW adventure down Simsbury Center! Click the title for more information and to register.
Father Stephen and the staff would like to extend a thank-you to all those who gave their time and talent to make our Holy Week and Easter services so special. We would especially like to thank our Choir, Cantors & Instrumentalists; Readers, Altar Servers, Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Liturgy Committee. Those who decorated our church and volunteered in any way to help prepare for these Sacred Liturgies.
We are so grateful for the generosity of our parish during the holiday season. Click the title for a summary of what we accomplished with your donations to the Giving Tree.
Thank you to all our parishioners who participated in this year’s Giving Tree. We were able to collect gift cards and specific gifts for the Salvation Army, South Park Inn, Simsbury Social Services and residents in local assisted living and nursing homes. We are most appreciative to Peggy Day, Kathy Brignac and Sandy Everett who coordinated the huge task of collecting and distributing all these gifts. With the generosity of the parish, many helping hands, and prayers, the Giving Tree comes together very nicely year after year. Thank you for your help and generous support.
We wish to thank our wonderful parishioners who so kindly gave of their time and talents during this holiday season to decorate our Church. Thank-you to the Scouts from our parish for setting up the beautiful outdoor nativity in front of the church, and the children and their teachers from our school who offered us a lovely presentation of Lessons and Carols. Thank-you to all of our liturgical ministers—our lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers, ushers, musicians, cantors, choir and visiting clergy-for making our celebration of Christmas so meaningful and beautiful!
We are happy to welcome Archbishop Coyne to St. Mary’s this month. He will be celebrating Mass with us on Sunday, January 21st at the 9:30 AM Mass. We look forward to meeting him and formally welcoming him to the Archdiocese.
At each Sunday Mass, a basket will be placed in front of the altar. Children are invited to bring up a non-perishable food item as their offering while ushers are taking up the collection.
Call the parish office to request your special date for Mass intentions. Weekday Masses recommended donation $10 and weekend Masses recommended donation $25.
Thank you to Hayden Carter from Troop 175 who designed and built Hayden’s Haven. This new play area is located at St. Mary’s School for our Kindergarten Class. It is an area that provides a safe and welcoming area for our young students. It will be enjoyed and loved by many. Great job!! Many thanks for all who supported this project.
Thank you to Matt Savage from Troop 175 who designed, built and installed our new outdoor crèche as his Eagle Project. Great job Matt and a special thanks to all who supported your project.
Please consider including St. Mary's in your will and estate planning. Our legal name is: St. Mary's Church Corporation of Simsbury. Contact Father Stephen for more information.
Fr. Dennis Vincenzo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford for more than 30 years. He grew up in the South End of Hartford, attending St. Augustine Parish and School, and St. Thomas Seminary High School. Father Dennis received his bachelor’s degree from Trinity College in Hartford where he met and became good friends with Fr. Stephen, and continued on to St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore for his theological studies. Click the title to read more.
After discussion with our Liturgy Committee and staff, we would like to start a new tradition for our children at Mass here at St. Mary’s. Beginning at the Parish Thanksgiving Mass this coming Tuesday evening, and continuing every Sunday at every Mass, we will provide an opportunity for the children of our parish to make an offering of a non-perishable food item which will go to one of the local food pantries we regularly support (Simsbury Food Closet and Hartford Food Pantries). Click the title to read more.