The Catholic Transcript is being transformed from a traditional newspaper to a full-color magazine which will be sent (free) to more than 192,000 Catholic households in Hartford, New Haven and Litchfield counties. The new publication will dynamically advance the tradition of this beloved, respected and award-winning newspaper which has roots back to 1829. In magazine form, The Catholic Transcript will continue to be the communications centerpiece of Catholic news and information for our archdiocese. Its visibility and relevance will be greatly enhanced with its digital presence and social media connectivity. Look for it in 2017!
Fr. Matera presented a series of programs this fall titled: "The Church in Crisis: Wisdom from St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians." The programs focused on the crisis that St. Paul faced in the church at Corinth and how he dealt with it. If you missed a session, click the title to see if there is a video of that program available.
Our adult enrichment series on Sunday mornings this autumn focuses on Interreligious Dialogue. We have invited a minister, a rabbi, and an Iman to speak about their faiths. Deacon Art will speak to us about the enduring importance of the Old Testament for Christian faith, and Father Matera will speak about Catholicism. Look at the website calendar and the bulletin for specific dates.
No decisions regarding parishes and/or schools in the archdiocese have been made, nor will they be made until the first quarter of 2017 at the earliest. Click the title for more information.
In the Fall we will begin our program for initiating adults into the Catholic Faith: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Catholic, invite them to contact Fr. Matera (860) 658-7627 for further information.
Catholic Bible School invites parishioners to have a conversation with our Lord by studying all books in the Bible. Although it is described as a four year course, one signs up on a year to year basis. This is an opportunity to enter into a close relationship with God. Click for more information
Join Archbishop Blair on Sunday, April 3rd at 2 pm for a pilgrimage from Bushnell Park to the Cathedral in commemoration of Divine Mercy Sunday during this Year of Mercy. Click for details.
Did you miss Fr. Matera's Lenten series on the Book of Exodus? Do you know someone who couldn't make it and would like to see it? The presentations from this four-part series are available by clicking the title.
It was a pleasure to host the town's 2015 Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, and we had a full house! Thank you to all who attended. Special thanks is due to our Music Director, Gena Sullivan, for coordinating the several choirs and musicians who made this such an inspiring service, and to the members of our Social Committee who provided us with such wonderful refreshments after the service.