Confirmation for St. Mary’s has been scheduled for May 15th, at 2:00 PM at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Hartford. Our second year students should complete the confirmation application, saint, and sponsor forms found on the website. Please contact Steve DiMotta with any questions.
Attention High School Juniors and Seniors. Even though you are confirmed, the church still needs you! Young people can make a huge difference in a faith community, and our confirmation students need good role models, which means we need you. Click the title to read more about this great opportunity!
Open to those students being confirmed this fall. Since many of the confirmation students have not seen one another since March, we decided to have a Social Distance Picnic. At Trinita Retreat Center, on 8/28, 5-8PM. RSVP to youth ministry required.
Students who were not able to make the first year Confirmation Retreat should contact Steve DiMotta regarding information on how to attend a make-up retreat.
On Sundays when Religious Education is in session, Parking Ambassadors (wearing yellow vests) will be available to direct traffic in North Parking Lot. Parents of Grades 1-3 are asked to park and walk your child to St. Francis Garden Door. Parents of Grades 4-6 will be directed to drop-off at North School Entrance then circle back out exiting onto Hopmeadow Street at the light. To ease backups, we encourage right hand turns exiting onto Hopmeadow Street. Click the title for more information.
If you have not registered your child for our religious education program for the 2016-17 school year, do so this week and avoid the late registration fee! Click for details.