Sunday, 4/21; 6-8 PM at St. Catherines All senior high teens are invited to help us celebrate and honor our graduating seniors at this special dinner. Families We encourage ALL of youth ministry to attend! You may not know our seniors, but they have been an integral party of youth ministry, our friends and our leaders, so we hope you will celebrate with us! It is also a great time to meet new people! Click the title to register.
Sunday, May 5th; 5:00-8:15 PM. Bring your phones and your friends! Do you (and your team) have what it takes to solve the clues and reach the finish line first? We will meet at St. Mary’s Parish Center for pizza at 5:00 and then we will head out on this NEW adventure down Simsbury Center! Click the title for more information and to register.
Cooking and serving meals for the homeless allows our teens experience true gratitude. They are always amazed by the sincerity shown through each interaction as we serve the meal we have carefully prepared. If your son or daughter has never participated in this mission, please click the title for more information. The Calcutta Project open to students in grades 7 - 12. It is an outreach effort of IGNITE Youth Ministry that was named for Mother Teresa of Calcutta who inspires us to serve.
The teens in our IGNITE Youth Ministry are grateful for the support for their bake sales during April! The proceeds will be used by the more than 65 teens from our parish who will be attending the Steubenville East Catholic Youth Conference at UMass-Lowell in July. Thank you for your generosity!
Are your Spotify playlists bringing you closer to Christ? Songs can guide us in prayer especially in tough times. As we commemorate Christ's Passion and death during the Sacred Triduum, take a moment to listen to these songs in prayer! For more information, click the title.
On April 30, IGNITE Youth Ministry is taking a road trip to the Cathedral of Saint Joseph for the first youth rally in the Archdiocese of Hartford. There will be speakers, music, food, Mass with Archbishop Blair, and Adoration with Father Jeff Gubbiotti. For more information, click the title.